Minggu, 01 Desember 2013

Global warming

     As we all know that global warming has become very popular topic that discussed in many occasion. So, what is actually global warming is? In this occasion we are going to discuss global warming I more detail. Global warming is a situation when the temperature of the earth is increasing. Recently the temperature of the earth is increasing. The increase of the earth temperature is obviously a bad thing for us. The iceberg in the North Pole melt and the sea level is increasing, If we cannot stop this to happen. There will be many cities in the worlds immerse to the water.

     Global warming is caused by us. We use huge number of fosil fuel everyday. As we all know tha the fosil fuel prduce carbon dioxide that can demage the ozon layer in ouir sky. This ozon layer protect us from Utraviloet ray that come from the sun. Withoud adeguate ozon layaer protection, UV ray Come directly to our earyth. This can increase the temperature of the eart. Additionally de forestation is talking palace in massive scale. The forest that actually help in neutrailxe the carbon dioxide has reduce in number. The carbon dioxide eventually go up to the sky and destroy the oxon level. This very bad situation tha we need to stop urgently.

Source : www.gunadarma.ac.id  

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